Millsap's Environmental Health and Safety Policy
- To subscribe to the principle that nothing is more important than the health, safety and well-being of employees, contractors, clients, customers, visitors and, if and whenever possible, the surrounding community.
- To integrate health and safety into business strategies, processes and performance measures, and to recognize that good health and safety performance support good business results.
The Management and Employees of Millsap Fuel Distributors will:
- Ensure our operations comply will all government legislation, corporate policy and applicable industry standards.
- Comply with our Fleet Safety Program and Safe Driving Policy.
- Inform employees of the need to protect themselves and the environment and ensure that they are trained to do so, with personal protective equipment supplied for their use.
- Provide a forum for employees to identify, discuss and recommend actions on Environmental, Health and Safety concerns.
- All Hazards are to be reported to Management, all employees have the right to refuse unsafe work.
- Subject our operations to regular Environmental, Health and Safety evaluations to ensure our commitment to the policy.
For information on Canadian Safety Standards, please click on the links below